How to Have a Safe Christmas When you are Pregnant

Have a safe Christmas when you are pregnant

The holiday season is upon us. It’s a time for double celebrations as you get into the festive spirit and celebrate your pregnancy while looking forward to soon welcoming the new member of your family.

While it’s a joyful time, many women also feel a little nervous. You’ll be thinking about what you can safely eat and drink. And how to ensure you don’t do anything that will affect your pregnancy.

With so many of these commonly asked questions mulling in your mind, we’ve put together a quick guide to help put your mind at ease and help you safely enjoy the festive season.

1. Safely gathering with family and friends.

Unfortunately, the risk of COVID-19 still lingers, but the good news is you can take steps to help minimise the risk of infection.

  • Ensure you are fully vaccinated.
  • Avoid interacting with adults and children who are unwell – including if they have tested negative for COVID-19.
  • If you are unsure, practice social distancing.
  • Minimise physical interactions such as kissing and hugging.


2. What to eat and what not to eat

A commonly asked question is – what can I eat during pregnancy? There’s no doubt that as you see the cheese board being placed in front of you -you’ll want to dive right in and satisfy those cravings. The truth is, you can enjoy the cheese board but only the hard cheeses such as Cheddar. And we’re sorry to say, but for now, avoid soft cheeses as they can carry harmful bacteria.

You may also enjoy the following.

  • Thoroughly cooked meat such as turkey.
  • All the lovely vegetables.
  • Homemade stuffing
  • Cranberry sauce.
  • Mince pies

On the other hand, foods to avoid (along with soft cheeses) include:

  • Pate
  • Raw processed deli meats
  • Raw seafood

For a more comprehensive guide on foods to eat and avoid, read our article: Pregnancy Diet Advice: What to Eat and What Not to Eat


3. Choose mocktails instead of cocktails

Mulled wine, festive punches, and a whole lot of alcohol play a part in the Christmas festivities. While the temptation is spilling in every corner of the room, we recommend you avoid the alcohol and opt for soft drinks, mocktails, and non-alcoholic fizz.


4. Put yourself first and relax.

As much as you want to say yes to every invitation, it’s ok to say no. While it is essential not to isolate yourself, you shouldn’t feel guilty for turning down invitations if you are not feeling energetic or up for socialising.

Christmas is always a hectic time of year with all the gifts to buy and wrap and events to plan or attend. During this period, you need to ensure you

  • Take regular breaks.
  • Relax and read or take a nap.
  • Destress by taking a short walk, meditating, or simply sitting outside and being one with nature.


Enjoy this festive season safely.

Be sure to embrace this holiday season mindfully by eating right, having some downtime, and thinking positively.

In the meantime, to ensure you are prepared and for further information, you can contact our team on: 02 4225 1999.