This year, the 12th of February marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, also known as the year of the Ox.
In Chinese culture, babies born in the year of the OX thought to have positive qualities such as being hardworking, calm, and honest.
If you are planning to have a baby this year, then Dr Kothari has put together a few tips to help you on your way to parenthood.
Tips to boost chances of conception.
Get the timing right.
The days leading up to your ovulation are the most fertile in the woman’s menstrual cycle, and therefore, the ideal time to try to conceive. Ovulation generally occurs on day 14 of a 28-day cycle, however, with the cycle length differing from woman to woman it is important to track your cycle.
Reduce stress.
Whilst trying to conceive can be described as one of the most stressful events in a couple’s life, it is important to avoid. Stress can not only reduce the quality of sperm but is also known to produce prolactin in women, which can interfere with regular ovulation.
You must take time to relax and make positive lifestyle changes to reduce stress levels.
Be healthy.
Ensure you make and follow healthy lifestyle choices by eating a healthy nutritious diet rich in lean proteins, fresh fruit, and vegetables; and carrying our regular exercise. It is also recommended that you maintain a healthy BMI.
Take prenatal vitamins.
It is recommended that women begin to take folic acid at least one month before trying to conceive and continue to do so for the first three months of the pregnancy. This is known to reduce the chances of a baby being born with neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
For men, it is recommended that three months before trying to conceive they take supplements rich in antioxidants and zinc to improve DNA quality.
Reduce toxins.
When trying to conceive and during pregnancy, it is wise to stop or reduce the intake of smoking, alcohol, and caffeine. These are known to have a detrimental effect on sperm quality, quantity, and motility; whilst, in women, the intake of such toxins may not only affect their fertility but can also increase the chances of a miscarriage.
For more information or advice, contact our team on 02 4225 1999 to book a consultation with Dr Dharmesh Kothari.