Caesarean Section

Pros and Cons of a Caesarean Section

A caesarean can either be a planned procedure or carried out in an emergency. A planned caesarean may be necessary if you are expecting a multiple birth, if the baby is in a breech position, or the placenta is low lying. You can also elect to have a caesarean if you are concerned about giving birth naturally. The health and wellbeing of you and your baby is of the highest priority to Dr Kothari and he will discuss your options for a caesarean in detail prior to your due date.

In some cases, it may be necessary to have an unplanned caesarean procedure. There are a few reasons for this, the most common being if the baby is not receiving enough oxygen or the labour is progressing too slowly.

A caesarean section is usually performed with a spinal or epidural anaesthetic. The anaesthetic numbs the lower part of your body so you are awake for the birth, but you will not feel pain. The operation generally takes between 30 to 45 minutes.

When having a planned caesarean section, you can create a plan with Dr Kothari so that you know the time and day that your baby will be born. In most circumstances, a planned caesarean means the baby will be born before you go into labour naturally, avoiding contractions and labour pain. Another benefit of having a planned caesarean is that some complications associated with vaginal deliveries, such as tearing, will also be avoided.

Caesarean section procedures have been practiced for hundreds of years and with medical advancements are considered safe, but like any surgery, it carries some risk.

A disadvantage of a caesarean section is that the recovery is longer than a vaginal birth. You may be in the hospital for up to five days rather than up to two days with a vaginal delivery. As you have undergone major surgery, you will feel pain in your abdomen for an extended period after childbirth. You are also prone to a higher risk of infection compared with a vaginal delivery, which can lead to complications.

You can discuss your preferred options with Dr Kothari, just call us to book an appointment.