Vaginal Surgeries
What is vaginal surgery?
When required to operate in the pelvis area, vaginal surgery may be considered as an appropriate option. This may be recommended if a patient needs a hysterectomy, a repair of a vaginal prolapse, or other pelvis problems. As the patient is operated on through the vagina, there are no visible scars on the abdomen and recovery time tends to be faster. Dr Kothari is highly experienced in performing vaginal surgery.
How long does it take for patients to recover?
One of the main advantages of this type of surgery is the faster recovery time compared to other surgeries such as abdominal surgery. During surgery, you may have a catheter (a thin tube) inserted into your bladder or a vaginal pack (a sponge) positioned inside the vagina for pressure. These are likely to be removed the following day, before you are discharged. We recommend allowing up to six weeks recovery time. Until you have your routine post-operative check-up, it is advised not to insert anything inside the vagina such as tampons or engage in sexual intercourse to avoid any further damage.